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LCA results & interpretation Cascadia Universal Series™ Fixed & Operable Windows and Doors

Scope and summary

  • Cradle to gate
  • Cradle to gate with options
  • Cradle to grave


The Cascadia Universal Series™ Fixed Window offers a patented, high-performance fiberglass solution designed and manufactured in North America. It features an innovative, commercial-grade fiberglass frame that boasts up to 250% improved thermal performance compared to traditional aluminum windows. Fixed windows consist of a singular frame around a transparent glazing unit that remains in one position and cannot be opened. The primary function of these fenestration systems is to create a façade between the building's interior and exterior, providing structural support and limiting thermal transfer through the building envelope.

Declared unit

The declared unit is one 1,200mm × 1,500mm (47in × 59in) fixed window normalized to one square meter (1 m2) of fenestration assemblies (including frame and glass). Glazing beads and stops, sealants, gaskets, and other parts that retain or support the glazing are considered part of the framing assembly, not the glazing assembly. The declared product meets the relevant performance standards in ANSI/NFRC 100 per the identified sub-type.

Mass per declared unit:

Fenestration sub-type Whole unit, kg Frame only, kg Glazing only, kg
Fixed window 28.1



Manufacturing data

Reporting period: May 2022 – April 2023
Location: British Columbia, Canada

What’s causing the greatest impacts

All life cycle stages

Activities during the acquisition and preprocessing of raw materials are responsible for the majority of the impacts in each impact category. Fixed window configurations require less manufacturing activity for the window frame when compared to operable windows and doors, highlighting the larger contribution from A1. The upstream transportation stage is the next highest contributor to most impact categories including global warming and ecotoxicity. Manufacturing is the smallest contributor to all impacts except for fossil fuel depletion, due to fabrication and waste disposal activities.

Raw materials acquisition

Raw materials acquisition (A1) dominates the results for all impact categories. This module includes the raw materials acquired and preprocessed by the suppliers, including packaging. This stage makes up 80-90% of the total impacts for all impact categories. The glazing and frame are the two contributors calculated separately in the raw material acquisition stage. The fiberglass window frame generated 27.1% of total GWP results, whereas the glazing generated 72.9% of the total. The glazing unit contains two 4mm glass panes, which are manufactured by an upstream supplier and sourced in North America. The frame unit contains fiberglass lineals, insulation, hardware, and packaging. During the production of these fiberglass lineals, glass fibers and catalyzed polyester resin are combined in a pultrusion process. The fiberglass lineals make up most of the weight of the frame unit, and they dominate the environmental impacts over the other frame components.


Transportation (A2) of raw materials accounts for a notable contribution to impacts at around 10-20% for many categories. This module includes raw material transportation from suppliers to the Cascadia manufacturing facility. Most of the ingredients sourced in North America are transported by semi-truck, whereas materials sourced from overseas use a mix of road transportation by semi-truck and sea transportation by ship.


Manufacturing (A3) is the smallest contributor to impact categories except for fossil fuel depletion. This module includes fabrication and the disposal of manufacturing waste. The fabrication process includes cutting the fiberglass, drilling, packaging, and cleaning. Fiberglass production waste, incoming raw material packaging waste, and other non-hazardous wastes are transported to a landfill, and recyclable packaging wastes are transported to a recycling facility or reused within the plant.

Sensitivity analysis

Sensitivity analyses were performed to check the robustness of the results where the highest potential environmental impacts were occurring. Since the bulk of impacts were attributed to raw materials acquisition, a sensitivity analysis was conducted to examine the sensitivity of the different available glazing configurations.

Global warming potential was evaluated for sensitivity since Cascadia is interested in the potential CO2-equivalent emissions of its products. The fixed window was evaluated as a worst case scenario, since it has the highest percentage of glazing and therefore provides the most conservative estimate of change. Choosing a triple-glazed product configuration rather than the double-glazed option resulted in a 32.9% increase in total life cycle impacts, highlighting the importance of this choice on total impacts.

How we're making it greener

Fiberglass is an ideal structural material for window and door frames, which is why Cascadia has used a proprietary, high glass-fiber-to-resin formula for more than a decade. Beyond its high strength and thermal efficiency, Cascadia's pultruded, thermoset fiberglass frames contain roughly 58% recycled content, low VOC's, and represent less embodied energy compared to vinyl or aluminum.

Not susceptible to decay or corrosion, fiberglass also expands and contracts with temperature change at roughly the same rate as the adjacent IGU. This extends the longevity of window seals and gaskets, reducing maintenance costs. Combined with a modeled lifespan of up to 80 years, fiberglass represents the future of high-performance windows and doors.

See how we make it greener

LCA results

Life cycle stage A1 Raw material Supply A2 Upstream transport A3 Manufacturing

Information modules:
Included (X)
| Excluded (MND)*

*Modules A4, A5, B, C, and D are excluded.

(X) A1 Raw material supply (X) A2 Transport (X) A3 Manufacturing
Impacts per declared unit 4.80E+00 mPts 4.25E-01 mPts 1.72E-01 mPts
Materials or processes contributing >20% to total impacts in each life cycle stage Upstream manufacturing of the fiberglass lineals and glass panes. Transportation of raw materials to the Cascadia facility. Product fabrication including cutting, drilling, packaging, and cleaning.

TRACI v2.1 results per declared unit of Universal Series™ Fixed Window (total)

Life cycle stage A1 Raw material supply A2 Transport A3 Manufacturing

Ecological damage

Impact category Unit
Acidification kg SO2 eq Kilograms of Sulfur Dioxide equivalent
Acidification processes increase the acidity of water and soil systems and causes damage to lakes, streams, rivers and various plants and animals as well as building materials, paints and other human-built structures.
3.51E-01 8.98E-03 3.00E-03
Eutrophication kg N eqKilograms of Nitrogen equivalent
Eutrophication is the enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem with nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) that accelerate biological productivity (growth of algae and weeds) and an undesirable accumulation of algal biomass which impacts industry, agriculture, drinking, fishing and recreation and causes death of fish and shellfish, toxicity to humans, marine mammals and livestock, and reduces biodiversity.
3.40E-02 6.42E-04 2.86E-04
Global warming kg CO2 eqKilograms of Carbon Dioxide equivalent
Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to change in global climate patterns and is caused by the increase of the sources of greenhouse gases and decrease of the sinks due to deforestation and land use. Global warming - 100 a refers to the reporting period of 100 years. GW leads to problems in human health, agriculture, forest, water source and damage to species and biodiversity as well as coastal areas.
5.59E+01 7.24E+00 5.10E+00
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq Kilograms of Trichlorofluoromethane equivalent
Ozone depletion is the reduction of ozone in the stratosphere caused by the release of ozone depleting chemicals. Ozone depletion can increases ultraviolet B radiation to the earth which can adversely affect human health (skin cancer and cataracts and immune-system suppression) and other system (marine life, agricultural crops, and other vegetation) and causes damage to human-built materials.
3.63E-06 1.12E-07 4.63E-08

TRACI v2.1 results per declared unit of Universal Series™ Fixed Window (frame only)

Life cycle stage A1 Raw material supply A2 Transport A3 Manufacturing

Ecological damage

Impact category Unit
Acidification kg SO2 eq Kilograms of Sulfur Dioxide equivalent
Acidification processes increase the acidity of water and soil systems and causes damage to lakes, streams, rivers and various plants and animals as well as building materials, paints and other human-built structures.
4.34E-02 7.18E-03 1.07E-03
Eutrophication kg N eqKilograms of Nitrogen equivalent
Eutrophication is the enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem with nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) that accelerate biological productivity (growth of algae and weeds) and an undesirable accumulation of algal biomass which impacts industry, agriculture, drinking, fishing and recreation and causes death of fish and shellfish, toxicity to humans, marine mammals and livestock, and reduces biodiversity.
9.45E-03 5.10E-04 1.02E-04
Global warming kg CO2 eqKilograms of Carbon Dioxide equivalent
Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to change in global climate patterns and is caused by the increase of the sources of greenhouse gases and decrease of the sinks due to deforestation and land use. Global warming - 100 a refers to the reporting period of 100 years. GW leads to problems in human health, agriculture, forest, water source and damage to species and biodiversity as well as coastal areas.
1.10E+01 5.73E+00 1.82E+00
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq Kilograms of Trichlorofluoromethane equivalent
Ozone depletion is the reduction of ozone in the stratosphere caused by the release of ozone depleting chemicals. Ozone depletion can increases ultraviolet B radiation to the earth which can adversely affect human health (skin cancer and cataracts and immune-system suppression) and other system (marine life, agricultural crops, and other vegetation) and causes damage to human-built materials.
3.69E-07 8.88E-08 1.66E-08

TRACI v2.1 results per declared unit of Universal Series™ Fixed Window (glazing only)

Life cycle stage A1 Raw material supply A2 Transport A3 Manufacturing

Ecological damage

Impact category Unit
Acidification kg SO2 eq Kilograms of Sulfur Dioxide equivalent
Acidification processes increase the acidity of water and soil systems and causes damage to lakes, streams, rivers and various plants and animals as well as building materials, paints and other human-built structures.
3.08E-01 1.80E-03 1.92E-03
Eutrophication kg N eqKilograms of Nitrogen equivalent
Eutrophication is the enrichment of an aquatic ecosystem with nutrients (nitrates and phosphates) that accelerate biological productivity (growth of algae and weeds) and an undesirable accumulation of algal biomass which impacts industry, agriculture, drinking, fishing and recreation and causes death of fish and shellfish, toxicity to humans, marine mammals and livestock, and reduces biodiversity.
2.45E-02 1.32E-04 1.83E-04
Global warming kg CO2 eqKilograms of Carbon Dioxide equivalent
Global warming is an average increase in the temperature of the atmosphere near the Earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute to change in global climate patterns and is caused by the increase of the sources of greenhouse gases and decrease of the sinks due to deforestation and land use. Global warming - 100 a refers to the reporting period of 100 years. GW leads to problems in human health, agriculture, forest, water source and damage to species and biodiversity as well as coastal areas.
4.49E+01 1.52E+00 3.28E+00
Ozone depletion kg CFC-11 eq Kilograms of Trichlorofluoromethane equivalent
Ozone depletion is the reduction of ozone in the stratosphere caused by the release of ozone depleting chemicals. Ozone depletion can increases ultraviolet B radiation to the earth which can adversely affect human health (skin cancer and cataracts and immune-system suppression) and other system (marine life, agricultural crops, and other vegetation) and causes damage to human-built materials.
3.26E-06 2.36E-08 2.97E-08


LCA Background Report
Cascadia Universal Series™ Fixed & Operable Windows and Doors, and Universal Series™ Windows Wall LCA Background Report, Cascadia 2024; SimaPro Analyst 9.6; ecoinvent v3.10 and US-EI 2.2 databases; TRACI 2.1.

ISO 14025, “Sustainability in buildings and civil engineering works -- Core rules for environmental product declarations of construction products and services”

ISO 21930:2017, "Sustainability in Building Construction — Environmental Declaration of Building Products" serves as the core PCR.

NSF PCR for Fenestration Assemblies, version 2
December, 2023. PCR review conducted by Dr. Thomas P. Gloria, Ph.D (Industrial Ecology Consultants) [email protected]; Jack Geibig (Ecoform) [email protected]; Bill Stough (Bill Stough, LLC) [email protected].

Download PDF SM Transparency Report / EPD

SM Transparency Reports (TR) are ISO 14025 Type III environmental declarations (EPD) that enable purchasers and users to compare the potential environmental per formance of products on a life cycle basis. They are designed to present information transparently to make the limitations of comparability more understandable. Environmental declarations of products that conform to the same PCR and include the same life cycle stages, but are made by different manufacturers, may not sufficiently align to support direct comparisons. They therefore cannot be used as comparative assertions unless the conditions as defined in ISO 14025 Section 6.7.2. ‘Requirements for Comparability’ are satisfied. In order to support comparative assertions, this EPD meets all comparability requirements stated in ISO 14025:2006. However, differences in certain assumptions, data quality, and variability between LCA data sets may still exist. As such, caution should be exercised when evaluating EPDs from different manufacturers or programs, as the EPD results may not be entirely comparable. Any EPD comparison must be carried out at the construction works level per ISO 21930:2017 guidelines, use the same sub-category PCR where applicable, include all relevant information modules, be limited to EPDs applying a functional unit, and be based on equivalent scenarios with respect to the context of construction works. The results of this EPD reflect an average performance by the product, and its actual impacts may vary on a case-to-case basis. Some LCA impact categories and inventory items are still under development and can have high levels of uncertainty. To promote uniform guidance on the data collection, calculation, and reporting of results, the ACLCA methodology (ACLCA 2019) was used.

Rating systems

The intent is to reward project teams for selecting products from manufacturers who have verified improved life-cycle environmental performance.

LEED BD+C: New Construction | v4 - LEED v4

Building product disclosure and optimization

Environmental product declarations

  • Industry-wide (generic) EPD ½ product

  • Product-specific Type III EPD 1 product

LEED BD+C: New Construction | v4.1 - LEED v4.1

Building product disclosure and optimization

Environmental product declarations

  • Industry-wide (generic) EPD 1 product

  • Product-specific Type III EPD 1.5 products

Collaborative for High Performance Schools National Criteria

MW C5.1 – Environmental Product Declarations

  • Third-party certified type III EPD 2 points

Green Globes for New Construction and Sustainable Interiors

Materials and resources

  • NC Path B: Prescriptive Path for Building Core and Shell

  • NC and SI 4.1.2 Path B: Prescriptive Path for Interior Fit-outs

BREEAM New Construction 2018

Mat 02 - Environmental impacts from construction products

Environmental Product Declarations (EPD)

  • Industry-average EPD .5 points

  • Multi-product specific EPD .75 points

  • Product-specific EPD 1 point